Tuesday, December 12, 2017

COLOR NEWS: Pantone Institute chooses 2018 Color of the Year

It's the royal color ...

It's the color of conciliation and class
(red + blue = purple) ...
Rejoice, fellow purple lovers! Our favorite hue has been declared Color of the Year by the Pantone Institute, a company that has shown itself to be an arbiter of upcoming trends in fashion, interior design, housewares, politics and pop culture -- in other words, the zeitgeist of the times. The official color of 2018 is an intense, blue-toned shade of purple called Ultra Violet (Pantone 18-3838).

Attributes that have been ascribed to purple include:
regal, soothing, exciting, scary, complex, inspiring, sexy and joyful.

According to Co.design, "Pantone views its selection as cultural barometer and a visual expression of our collective sentiment. For 2016, it picked Rose Quartz and Serenity (aka Baby Pink and Baby Blue) as commentary on the gender fluidity movement. Last year, Pantone selected Greenery, a metaphor for the the reconnection we seek with nature, one another, and a larger purpose.”

Lee Eisenman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, says,
“Ultra Violet is a very provocative shade, but it’s also a thoughtful color–it sounds like a bit of an oxymoron. This is the kind of color attached, historically, to originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking. People are looking for that ‘magic bullet,’ and this shade is the perfect shade to lead 
right into it . . .  It’s intriguing, fascinating, and magical.”

Woman's "Purple Rain Dress", c.1980
 Boston MFA costume collection

~ oOo ~

Former colors of the year:

For more about Pantone's choice for 2018,
link here or here.

1 comment:

  1. I just read about this choice by Pantone, as it happens, and as a purple-lover, it made me happy. But Ultra Violet takes me right back to the 60's and 70's and the strange territory of Andy Warhol's The Factory. (Actually, I find many things take me back 50 years ago these days!). My life, even at its hippie peak, wasn't remotely like Ultra Violet's life, but somehow I still feel a kinship. You can't really imagine Warhol and Ultra Violet existing in a Donald Trump world and we need more of that spirit now. It's sort of like the gorgeous "Purple Rain" dress that you've pictured above: excessive, slightly sleazy, and not necessarily something I could picture ever wearing, but daring, unusual, exciting. Maybe wearing Ultra Violet will take us there?
